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[oracle@centos5 ~]$ sqlldr

SQL*Loader: Release – Production on Thu Jun 13 17:07:26 2013

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Usage: SQLLDR keyword=value [,keyword=value,…]

Valid Keywords:

userid — ORACLE username/password
control — control file name
log — log file name
bad — bad file name
data — data file name
discard — discard file name
discardmax — number of discards to allow (Default all)
skip — number of logical records to skip (Default 0)
load — number of logical records to load (Default all)
errors — number of errors to allow (Default 50)
rows — number of rows in conventional path bind array or between direct path data saves
(Default: Conventional path 64, Direct path all)
bindsize — size of conventional path bind array in bytes (Default 256000)
silent — suppress messages during run (header,feedback,errors,discards,partitions)
direct — use direct path (Default FALSE)
parfile — parameter file: name of file that contains parameter specifications
parallel — do parallel load (Default FALSE)
file — file to allocate extents from
skip_unusable_indexes — disallow/allow unusable indexes or index partitions (Default FALSE)
skip_index_maintenance — do not maintain indexes, mark affected indexes as unusable (Default FALSE)
commit_discontinued — commit loaded rows when load is discontinued (Default FALSE)
readsize — size of read buffer (Default 1048576)
external_table — use external table for load; NOT_USED, GENERATE_ONLY, EXECUTE (Default NOT_USED)
columnarrayrows — number of rows for direct path column array (Default 5000)
streamsize — size of direct path stream buffer in bytes (Default 256000)
multithreading — use multithreading in direct path
resumable — enable or disable resumable for current session (Default FALSE)
resumable_name — text string to help identify resumable statement
resumable_timeout — wait time (in seconds) for RESUMABLE (Default 7200)
date_cache — size (in entries) of date conversion cache (Default 1000)

PLEASE NOTE: Command-line parameters may be specified either by
position or by keywords. An example of the former case is ‘sqlldr
scott/tiger foo’; an example of the latter is ‘sqlldr control=foo
userid=scott/tiger’. One may specify parameters by position before
but not after parameters specified by keywords. For example,
‘sqlldr scott/tiger control=foo logfile=log’ is allowed, but
‘sqlldr scott/tiger control=foo log’ is not, even though the
position of the parameter ‘log’ is correct.

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