DataFountain DataFountain(简称DF平台)是国内领先的数据科学竞赛创新平台之一,提供数据竞赛/AI算法大赛、数据集、项目实训、在线编程等服务。 600 AI学习资源# DataFountain# DF平台# 人工智能教学实验室
Mem The future of note taking. Designed to keep busy professionals organized with AI. Offline mode, iOS app, markdown editing, and GPT-4 built-in. Start building your second brain. 590 AI学习资源
Stability AI Activating humanity's potential through generative AI. Open models in every modality, for everyone, everywhere. 590 AI学习资源
卡内基梅隆大学 CMU is a global research university known for its world-class, interdisciplinary programs: arts, business, computing, engineering, humanities, policy and science. 580 AI学习资源
北京智源人工智能研究院 智源研究院是人工智能领域的新型研发机构,汇集国际顶尖人工智能学者,聚焦核心技术与原始创新,旨在推动人工智能领域发展政策、学术思想、理论基础、顶尖人才与产业生态的五大源头创新。 580 AI学习资源# BAAI# 智源,悟道,大模型,北京人工智能
量子位 量子位专注于人工智能及前沿科技领域,提供技术研发趋势、科技企业动态、创业公司报道等最新资讯,以及机器学习入门资源、计算机科学最新科研论文、开源代码和工具的解读。 570 AI学习资源# GAN# NLP# 云计算
Connected Papers Connected Papers is a visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find academic papers relevant to their field of work. 560 AI学习资源 RSpace™ AI for scientific text understanding - Smart search, reading list analysis, auto-generated summaries, data extraction, chatbot with references. 560 AI学习资源
wisio is an AI-powered writing assistant for scientists. Get AI suggestions, find relevant papers, translate your text, and more. AI for scientific writing. 560 AI学习资源
Cornell University Cornell University is a private research university that provides an exceptional education for undergraduates and graduate and professional students. Cornell's colleges and schools encompass more than 100 fields of study, with locations in Ithaca, New York, New York City and Doha, Qatar. 550 AI学习资源# agriculture and life sciences# architecture# art
The University of Texas at Austin德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校 The University of Texas at Austin is a bold, ambitious leader, providing a first-class education and the tools of discovery to more than 51,000 students. 550 AI学习资源
TechWeb Al TechWeb专注于互联网消费领域,每日专业提供互联网产品、智能设备及互联网服务等方面的最新资讯,呈现为网站、微博、微信、APP等全媒体新形态,是国内领先的互联网消费互动媒体。 550 AI学习资源# AI人工智能# O2O# VR及AR
比特网人工智能 20年来,比特网始终关注科技的前沿潮流与趋势,是推动科技产业创新、升级的重要力量。2017年,比特网顺应时代发展,以场景科技为入口,聚焦数字家庭、 旅游、汽车、健康等领域,以科技的视角引领生活潮流,以场景撬动全新消费方式,推动科技新消费主义时代的到来。 550 AI学习资源# 互联网# 人工智能# 健康百科
智能时代 IT之家旗下智能时代频道,专注报道大数据时代,基于云的智能家居生活。我们关注人工智能的快发展、智能汽车的大趋势、智能穿戴设备的普及化,以及不断涌现的智能设备操作系统。大数据、物联网、云,这就是我们的智能家居生活。 550 AI学习资源# IT之家# 大数据# 智能之家