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博特妙笔 博特妙笔,由人工智能技术厂商博特智能公司推出的国内首款生成式公职人员AIGC写作工具,集合了范文参考资料、写作素材、智能写作、校对纠错、润色续写、笔杆社区、专家代笔等功能服务。适用于公职人员、事业单位人员、国企人员述职总结、心得体会、竞聘材料、发言稿、工作简报等材料写作 750 AI写作工具# “妙笔”公文助手# AI公文写作# 公文写作AI工具
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Tome Automate account research by getting a 360° view of target accounts from the web and internal data. Prioritize, outbound, and prep for meetings for effectively. 510 AI写作工具
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Outwrite Become a better writer with Outwrite. Our AI writing assistant is more than a grammar checker—it helps turn your ideas into powerful sentences, anywhere online. Get started for free. 680 AI写作工具
Notion AI A new tool that blends your everyday work apps into one. It's the all-in-one workspace for you and your team. 500 AI写作工具
Harvey Professional Class AI – Harvey is the platform built to meet the standards of the world’s leading professional service firms. 640 AI写作工具# harvey# IA
Twain World-class selling skills at your fingertips. Use Twain for free to see what your sales pitch is missing. 660 AI写作工具
Kaizan AI Boost client engagement and increase revenue with our AI-driven copilot for client service teams. Leverage client health scoring and AI agents to optimize productivity and business outcomes. 710 AI写作工具
Simplified Simplified is the time saving, all in one app that your modern marketing team can use for collaboration. Millions of free images, videos, and audio clips. Thousands of designer templates. Long and short-form content writing in 30+ languages. Content Calendar to schedule and publish posts to social media. Free Forever! 540 AI写作工具
Peppertype.ai Pepper Content is an AI-driven content marketing platform for CMOs, aiding businesses to create top-notch content and track its lifecycle. Streamline your content marketing, and achieve your business goals faster. Book a demo today. 580 AI写作工具
Frase Frase empowers content creators to go from keyword to well-researched, SEO-optimized articles faster and better. 790 AI写作工具
Moonbeam一个AI写作助手 Kickstart your next great blog with Moonbeam: your long-form writing AI assistant. 560 AI写作工具
Hypotenuse AI Hypotenuse AI is an all-in-one content platform for ecommerce brands. Generate product content in your unique brand voice and optimize it to rank on search engines and marketplaces. 510 AI写作工具
Wordtune提高生产力的AI写作助手 Perfect your English with a free AI writer that can paraphrase, rewrite, correct your grammar and more. 620 AI写作工具
Sudo write 用我们神奇的写作 AI 打破作家的瓶颈。Write your novel or screenplay faster with the best AI tool for fiction. Start for free today and see why The New Yorker calls it "a salvation" for writers and why NY Times, The Verge, and many more love Sudowrite. 820 AI写作工具
Anyword Anyword is an AI writing platform built to help enterprise marketing teams scale on-brand content that drives marketing results. 510 AI写作工具