加州理工学院(California Institute of Technology,简称:Caltech) The California Institute of Technology aims to expand human knowledge and benefit society through research integrated with education.
AI21 Labs AI21 Labs builds Foundation Models and AI Systems for the enterprise that accelerate the use of GenAI in production. Power your most critical enterprise workflows with accurate, reliable, and scalable AI – tailored to your specific needs.
加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校(University of California, Berkeley) UC Berkeley pushes the boundaries of knowledge, challenges convention and expands opportunity to create the leaders of tomorrow.
智东西首页 智东西是中国领先的智能产业媒体和创新服务平台。聚焦于以人工智能为核心的新技术驱动的创新创业和传统产业升级。自创立以来,智东西以“聚焦智能变革 服务产业升级”为愿景,已形成媒体、公开课以及产业活动三大产品业务体系,并构建了庞大的智能产业垂直社群。