Antiverse: Designing Antibodies For Challenging Targets 我们使用机器学习来设计针对困难目标(例如GPCR和离子通道)的新型抗体。 Solving unmet needs in antibody discovery using machine learning. We exist to bring new therapies to patients and save lives.
智猫AI 智猫AI是运用ChatGPT深度开发的,一款基于搜索引擎优化规则的跨境文案创作、营销及分析工具,不仅可以帮助跨境卖家快速完成产品标题、5点描述、listing优化、营销软文、广告语、邮件等文案创作,还能有效提升产品在亚马逊的排名及站点在谷歌搜索的排名。
Meshy Meshy作为一个创新的Al 3D模型生成器,通过其强大的Al技术,为用户提供了一个快速、简单且高效的3D创作解决方案。无论是专业的3D艺术家还是初学者,都能利用Meshy轻松创作出逼真的.... Meshy is a 3D AI toolkit that helps to effortlessly transform text or images into 3D models in minutes. Remove unwanted objects from photos, people, text, and defects from any picture for free. It's extremely easy in just a few clicks with our creative editing tool.
DefinityLegend Join DefinityLegend, a blockchain-based sandbox platform, and experience the ultimate gaming revolution. Create, explore, and earn rewards in a metaverse world. Enter a new era of web 2.0 and 3.0 gaming today!