设计宝藏 设计宝藏(www.shejibaozang.com),一个致力于提供免费资源的宝藏网站。无论你是Blender、After Effects (AE)、Cinema 4D (C4D)、Premiere Pro (PR)、Photoshop (PS)、Illustrator (AI)的爱好者,还是对CG影视后期和3D建模感兴趣的专业人士,这里都有你需要的软件、插件、脚本等学习工具。轻松获取,即刻开始你的创意之旅!
Data Science without Code The entire process of running Data Science - building Machine Learning algorithm, explaining results and predicting outcomes, packed in one single click.
AI设计系统 MasterGo/莫高设计是AI时代企业级产品设计平台,贯穿产品设计研发的全链条在线协作工具,是可协作的在线sketch、国内版figma,提供在线产品设计、原型图制作设计、网页开发设计、产品交互设计、UI和UX设计工具等功能,支持多人实时协作,可快速搭建设计系统,为产品设计师、交互设计师、工程师以及产品经理提供更简单灵活的工作模式。
SQL query builder AI-powered SQL query builder enables you to quickly build SQL queries without any knowledge of SQL for beginners.
Low TeleportHQ Front-end development platform, with a visual builder and headless content modelling capabilities. Static website creation, and UI development tools.
Outset Get the depth of qualitative interviews at the speed and scale of a survey. Make better, faster decisions for your business with the power of AI-moderated research.
Cogniflow Boost your productivity. Put AI to work. Save hours every week by automating tasks. Create AI Chatbots, and info Extractor, or create your own AI models to analyze images or text. Start now for free. No-code required