墨刀让原型设计更简单 墨刀是A股上市公司万兴科技旗下的原型设计工具,支持APP、网站页面、管理后台、可视化大屏、工业HMI、小程序、H5多场景领域原型设计,AI智能生成组件、页面,智能填充,支持执行AI语义化指令,支持团队项目实时协作和管理,金融级数据安全保障,还支持私有化部署,是产品经理、设计师和技术开发团队必备工具。
Mintlify — The documentation you want Meet the modern standard for public facing documentation. Beautiful out of the box, easy to maintain, and optimized for user engagement.
Roboflow Everything you need to build and deploy computer vision models, from automated annotation tools to high-performance deployment solutions.
Softr Studio Softr turns your Airtable data into a beautiful and powerful website, web app or client portal. Pick a template or start from scratch.
讯飞星火大模型 讯飞星火大模型,是由科大讯飞推出的新一代认知智能大模型,拥有跨领域的知识和语言理解能力,能够基于自然对话方式理解与执行任务,提供语言理解、知识问答、逻辑推理、数学题解答、代码理解与编写等多种能力。
VWO VWO is the market-leading digital experience optimization solution that fast-growing companies use for experimentation & conversion rate optimization.
Zevi AI Zevi's AI-powered site search and discovery platform helps customers discover products quickly, boosting sales & conversions. Get a site search solution tailored to your needs.