imbue Generally Intelligent We develop AI systems optimized for reasoning—imbuing computers with intelligence and human values so they can help us accomplish larger goals in the world.
University of Southern California南加利福尼亚大学 USC is one of the world's leading research universities. At USC, the human spirit is cultivated through learning, research and creativity.
堆友—AI设计生产力工具:零门槛AI绘画+多种电商设计神器 堆友是Alibaba Design打造的设计师全成长周期服务平台,围绕品质、效率、技能、成就、收入五大用户价值布局平台能力,全力服务设计师,旨在成为设计师的好朋友。 堆友历经大厂设计师团队多轮打磨雕刻,集海量高品质3D素材、实时在线渲染、多元场景功能应用、轻便好学易上手等多重优势于一身的设计神器,更自带免费可商用属性,为专业设计师、运营工友、学生小白、社交达人提供了一个零成本的在线设计站点和资源库。
A World Leader in Education and Research Excellence加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校 UCLA advances knowledge, addresses pressing societal needs and creates a university enriched by diverse perspectives where all individuals can flourish.